Inspirational Locations for Shannon’s Law: Venice

Thank you so much for letting me showcase my forthcoming steamy action-romance novel SHANNON’S LAW. It’s  the second in my PASSION PATROL series – stories where sassy female cops lock up the criminals and always get their man.


February marks the start of my “Pinterest Reveal Virtual Book Tour” in the run-up to the launch on the 28th February 2014.

Every day there are feature posts on topics relating to SHANNON’S LAW on blogs all around the world.  They’re all linked together on one big Pinterest Board. Each post replaces a ‘mystery’ silhouette that was posted in January. I saved all  my notes and photos as I was writing, on a private Pinterest Board and now I can share them with you.

Today’s subject is: Inspirational Locations in Shannon’s Law – Venice


There are some places which simply mean something. Paris is one. New York is another. Venice is the big-daddy of geographical statements. The hard thing is to define what that quality is. I suppose the canals, the history, the baroque beauty of so many buildings all provide its physical ambiance. Yet there is far more to Venice than that. In Shannon’s Law the characters go there by chance as part of a business trip. It is a pivotal moment in the development of the story. It is there that a number of rubicons are crossed.

A quick google of the word Venice immediately brings up the tag line “City Of Love”. The blurb talks about singing gondoliers and carnival masks. This may all be true but for me it misses the point. Venice is a city of love because, like love, it is very unlikely, impossibly fragile and impossibly strong. Many never find true love. I had to wait for the last third of my life to know it. I did not expect its weight  to float on the mud of life. I expected storms and floods to sweep it away. They might yet do so and indeed mortality will shuffle me off into the lagoon. To me, this is the essence of Venice. It rises above the impossible to proclaim beauty and passion. Like love it knows no common sense. You would never get planning department officials to give you a permit to build another one. Venice represents the defeat of all who say you can’t or you shouldn’t. Any one who has ever given themselves up to love will surely recognize that theme.

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Venice is the present you couldn’t afford and that is why you gave it. Venice is the returned kiss of a lover for whom you had longed but could never have hoped to achieve. I have been so lucky in my life and have been there several times. Each time I cannot believe this place exists and does not reject me. In the book, I wrote with these sentiments very much in my heart. It has an ambiance that melts into darkness the more light you shine upon it. Shannon receives the advice of a resident on how to approach it.

She needed a week to digest each frame of film.

“It’s so much. Too much,” she said.

“Chemistry, fermentation and molecular sugars are too much. Don’t think about it my lovely. Just drink the wine,” he said with a laugh. He opened the throttles and sped out into the lagoon towards the island of Murano.


Book Blurb

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Wild child inner-city cop Shannon Aguerri walks a dangerous line between her methods and justice. When the bosses lose their nerve, after yet another maverick mission, she is transferred to green pastures to play out the role of a routine village cop. When she encounters signs of slave and drug trafficking she homes in on serious millionaire criminals.

As a loner she has attracted men but nothing has stuck. When she meets Spencer, the hunky and widowed Earl of Bloxington, there is an immediate rapport between them. Their social differences mean nothing to their passion and need.

Already in the mix is an upper class female rival – who has long plotted her way into the Earl’s bed. The jealousy is an evil shade of green and the anger is a violent scarlet.

Often inhibited by a sense of duty and honour, Spencer is slow to reveal his feelings. When Shannon confronts him with the need to choose between her word and that of her rival, he does not immediately support her.

All issues are set aside, when they are forced together to carry out a desperate rescue mission. Their love is stronger than everything ranged against them.




SHANNON’S LAW comes out on February 28th 2014 in print and digital formats for all e-readers.



Amazon are offering some great discounts for pre-orders of the paperback version

(29% off in USA,     12% off in the UK).

You can pre-order the digital version at a pre-launch special price from Nook, Kobo, and iTunes. It will also be available in all digital formats on Smashwords

See this post and others from my tour as they go live on Pinterest

Follow Shannon’s Law on Facebook

Visit the Shannon’s Law Website for book details and pre-order information.




Win Amazon vouchers, copies of the book PLUS a free gift for every entrant (see prizes below).



The draw will be made at random, by Rafflecopter on the 7th March 2013.



Companion Cookbook

In addition to SHANNON’S LAW, I’m launching a companion digital cookbook with illustrated recipes for all the meals from the novel.

 It’s called  COP’S KITCHEN – Read the love story and taste the romance!

To celebrate the launch of SHANNON’S LAW, there is a special FREE gift for you in my RAFFLECOPTER draw. As well as great, unique prizes to win, EVERY ENTRANT will get their own digital copy of – COP’S KITCHEN. There are many ways to get bonus chances – by commenting on this post, liking Facebook Pages etc.



Main Prizes in the Draw:

$30/£20/€25 Amazon Gift Voucher, 2 paperback copies of Shannon’s Law, 3 digital copies of Shannon’s Law.

Shannon’s Law comes out in paperback and digital formats for all e-readers

on February 28th 2014.

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Emma Calin’s Website

Emma Calin’s Twitter

Emma Calin’s Facebook page:



This post is part of the



Follow the other posts in February to see the background to the story unfold.

 via the PINTEREST BOARD for Shannon’s Law

or via the individual blogs around the world here

Published by patriciasands

Patricia Sands lives in Toronto, Canada when she isn't somewhere else, particularly the south of France. With a happily blended family of seven adult children and, at last count, six grandchildren, life is full and time is short. Beginning with her first Kodak Brownie camera at the age of six, she has told stories all of her life through photography. Much to her surprise a few years ago, she began to write and has now published three novels, including two that are part of a six-book series set in the south of France. Love France? Love her work! Check out her website She is particularly drawn to the rewarding friendships of women and the challenges many embrace once their families are grown. "It's never too late to begin something new," she enthuses. "As the saying goes, just do it!"

5 thoughts on “Inspirational Locations for Shannon’s Law: Venice

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