Book Club Info

The Bridge Club Cover Pic

The Bridge Club is Patricia Sands’ acclaimed debut novel, published through iUniverse and awarded the Editor’s Choice and Rising Star designations. A reviewer writes “A few years ago Hollywood gave us a movie about what women want. Patricia Sands has given us a book about how women think.”

A story about friendship – not simply the “Hi, how are you?” type but the kind that weathers all sorts of storms, unselfishly celebrates triumphs and hums along year after year with never an unkind word. It does exist.

Unpredicted twists of fate weave through the good times and strong friendship the eight women of The Bridge Club share through forty years.

Readers write to Patricia Sands of their own rewarding friendships and how they relate to the characters and the issues addressed in The Bridge Club. For those who also happen to be bridge players, a challenging bridge hand can be found at the end of eight chapters and analogies between the game of bridge and the game of life are to be found. Many young women have written that the story brings them a sense of gratitude for their close friends and a determination to keep the connections strong forever.

A wealth of topics from the serious (coming out, adoption, illness, internet porn) to the frivolous (lovers and boyfriends, to facelift or not) provide opportunities for expressing opinions and reflecting on the “stuff” that happens in life. Wouldn’t we all like a safety net under us such as these characters have?

As the women of The Bridge Club meet once a month to share their experiences, you can share your reflections of the story with your inner circle, book club, bridge club or other friends with our special package. This includes:

Personally autographed books for each member of your group
Books shipped to your host’s home
Discussion guide
Author appearance at your gathering via Skype or speakerphone

To participate, contact Patricia at and an order form for books with personalized dedications can be sent to you and your group.

To read more about the novel and author Patricia Sands go to, check out The Bridge Club on Facebook or tweet Patricia @Patricia_Sands

10 thoughts on “Book Club Info

  1. As a writer/blogger, living on the French Riviera, perhaps your book club would be interested in my newly published short story, Solitary Desire, available on as an ebook or paperback.

    1. Mais oui! We are often in Nice although we usually choose to live in nearby towns like Biot and Antibes. We have a home exchange organized for September near Place Massena. Can’t wait to get back there!

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